Amid the recent uptick of reported coronavirus cases around the globe, please know that NIBLL is taking every precaution possible to ensure everyone continues to dine safely.
We want to be as proactive as possible. Our primary concern is and will always be the safety of your team and colleagues. We are monitoring the situation and following the guidelines set-forth by CDC, our federal and local government and health agencies and are in close on-going contact with local authorities. We want to make you aware of our current and increased safety operating procedures in our kitchen facilities and on-site at your offices and some optional choices we can provide for your meal service. Please contact your account manager and they will support any and all service modifications you would like to make moving forward.
NIBLL Operating Procedures in our Commercial Kitchens:
Though creating healthy delicious food is our passion, food safety is our number one concern and priority. While the coronavirus is not a foodborne illness, we are doing everything possible to elevate our high kitchen standards even further. Recognizing that these precautions extend further then just your team, but also to your loved ones, NIBLL is committed to abiding by procedures that will keep everyone healthy and safe.
- We go above and beyond Health Department guidelines by holding weekly culinary all hands safety meetings that cover a range of food, physical safety and sanitation topics.
- We have laser thermometers to check employees for fever at the beginning of each shift.
- Before each employee starts their shift, we are having them complete a short questionnaire from their manager, answering the following 3 questions:
- Do you or anyone in your family household feel sick with flu-like symptoms?
- Do you or anyone in your household have a fever over 99.5?
- Do you have a cough or trouble breathing?
- Any employee who is showing any of the above symptoms of illness is required to stay home.
- We utilize a third party vendor, Ecosure, that does surprise monthly mock Health Department audits.
- We have enlisted EEAP, an outside vendor, for bi-weekly food safety training.
- NIBLL employees are required to wear gloves at all times during all food preparation and service.
- NIBLL employees are required to wash their hands for the recommended 20 seconds, and are being required to increase the frequency of hand washing.
- At all our kitchens, we have commercial grade sanitizers in buckets at every single workstation that are refreshed every 2 hours.
- We have increased the number of times in a shift we are disinfecting surfaces that are touched by everyone; including door knobs, handles, light switches and the like.
NIBLL Meal Service Operating Procedures for your location:
As you increase your work environment safety and prepare for potential work disruptions, we are providing the following enhancements to ensure your team has uninterrupted access to healthy food. The following education and increased Meal Time Personal Sanitation for your employees includes:
- Elevating our current safety and sanitation procedures by bringing disinfecting wipes and sanitizing all surfaces and serving implements throughout service.
- Upon your request, providing complimentary disposable poly gloves to be used by your employees while they are serving themselves.
- Providing signage that encourages your team to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer and wear the provided gloves while serving themselves.
- If anyone on your team is feverish and or coughing/sneezing we ask that they do not go through the buffet line, and instead have NIBLL servers make them a plate. (see attached signage we can provide at the beginning of the service line)
- Upon request, we will provide the following additional options. Please note that some of these enhancements may require additional cost and or time to fulfill. We will pass through expenses at cost adding no additional upcharge:
- Safety wrapped utensils
- Sneeze guards
- Additional NIBLL staff to serve food rather than offer self-service buffet. Pre-packaged warm meals on-site rather than a self-serve buffet line.
- In planning for an event that may require your team to work from home, we are committed to ensuring your team has continued access to healthy meals and we will offer chilled meals that can be taken home.
- NIBLL began as an executive meal home delivery service in 2012, and has capacity to offer this service again to our corporate clients. In the event that your employees need to work from home, NIBLL can continue your service uninterrupted and arrange for chilled meals to be delivered, allowing you to take care of your team wherever they work.
See below for more information about Coronavirus; how it spreads, prevention and monitoring.